Station News rss

  • Fundrive 2017 - Weekend Update

    Posted by CKUW PD on February 12th, 2017

    Aaaaaaaaaand, we’re off!

    Fundrive 2017 has begun in a very positive way – we’re sitting just under $18,000 at 4 PM. THANK YOU. Every pledge helps us get closer to our goal of $63, 000.

    Pledge by calling us now at 204-774-6877 or pledge securely online at

    We’re only 2 days in, and there’s lots of great programming ahead. Tune in and hear all the great reasons to support campus and community radio!

  • Radio In The Wild - Act to preserve community voices!

    Posted by Rob on February 11th, 2017

    Thank you to everyone who has donated to CKUW! At noon Saturday we passed $7,800 on our way to the goal of $63,000.

    Call us at 204-774-6877 or donate online with a credit card.

    We kicked off on Friday with the feature ‘Radio In The Wild” documentary by Victoria & Anna. If you missed it, we’ve posted the show to our Soundcloud. You can learn about the history of CKUW and why your contributions for Fundrive are vital to our success!

  • Pledge week is on! Call or click to support community/campus radio.

    Posted by Rob on February 10th, 2017

    CKUW is Radio in the Wild! Join us as we celebrate our annual Fundrive campaign, our goal this year is $63,000

    Fundrive is the time of year where we ask listeners like you to directly support the operation of CKUW with pledges and donations. We are your ad-free, independent radio station and we need listener donations to keep us on the air.

    You can donate online at or call in to 204-774-6877 during the Fundrive week to support your favourite shows.

    Follow us on Twitter or Facebook for Fundrive updates and tune in for our most amazing week of community radio!

    “It’s up to you where we go from here”

  • Fundrive 2017 - February 10th - 17th

    Posted by Rob on February 3rd, 2017

    Fundrive is FEb 10-17

    Tune in next Friday for the start of our annual listener driven radio campaign. Our goal is $63,000 in listener pledges for downtown community/campus radio.

    You can donate in advance through our secure donation page ( donate now ) or tune in during Fundrive week. Donating to CKUW is fun, easy and vital to our success. Do your part to support your community radio!

  • Music For 2 Radios

    Posted by Rob on January 31st, 2017

    Tune in Thursday February 2nd at 10:30pm for a very special performance. In collaboration with UMFM 101.5 and the Winnipeg New Music Festival CKUW presents the debut of Music For 2 Radios by Ben Shemie

    This live performance requires 2 FM radios, tuned to CKUW 95.9FM & UMFM 101.5FM respectively. You can listen at home, go to a friends house or join the listening party at the Plug In, 460 Portage Ave.