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Fundrive 2021 - February 5th - 19th

CKUW is funded by students at the University of Winnipeg and listeners like you!
Our annual fundraising campaign starts on February 5th and runs for two weeks. You can donate today at
Every donation helps us continue our growth and develop programming unique to our community. Donations support staff salaries, equipment repairs and outreach beyond campus. Our online stream and archive system are paid for by listener donations.
Gifts of $35 or more are eligible for unique thank you incentives from CKUW, show your pride in the station by wearing one of our hoodies ($160) or demonstrate your commitment to community by pledging for a monogamous FM radio ($500). If you aren’t interested in a gift, you can request a 2021 tax receipt from the University of Winnipeg Foundation.
Please consider the value of CKUW in your life and plan your donation today. Thank you!