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Fundrive Update - We Need Your Calls!

A donation to CKUW is a great way to support the diverse community of creators and free-thinkers that populate our broadcast schedule. Call us at 204-774-6877 from 8am to 8pm we have staff ready to help receive your contribution. Online donations can be made at through the secure University of Winnipeg Foundation website.
Our volunteers and staff put a lot of effort into each broadcast week, there are more than 50 local programs and 150 hours of distinctive, ad-free listening. A donation of $35 helps pay our transmitter rent for about one day, a larger donation goes further and can be split into monthly payments. At higher donation levels there are many fun CKUW gifts you can choose and wear to show your appreciation of our alternative radio.
Please don’t wait, Fundrive ends on Friday February 24th and we need every listener to act and make a contribution. Thanks for you support!