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Radio Society Special General Meeting

We are conducting a Special General Meeting of the Winnipeg Campus/Community Radio Society via the Internet. The meeting is held over the month of October. If you are a member of the society or interested in joining, please get in touch for meeting information. Email the station manager [email protected]
Our Radio Society bylaws require two meetings each year of the membership.
The 2021 SGM will be conducted through e-mail. Meeting business, minutes, reports etc. will be sent out by email.
Members will be given time to review the package, and submit questions. Voting will be done through a form online concluding the meeting in October. All emails will be sent through this list. Only current Radio Society/CKUW members may vote.
If you have questions or concerns about this procedure please contact us [email protected] / [email protected]
Members can still have a say, if you have motions you want to present at the meeting, please get in touch with the Board Chair Dave or Station Manager Rob ([email protected] / [email protected] ) We will assist you in making sure the motion is in order and handled appropriately.