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So Much Love for Community Radio

Posted by Robin on February 14th, 2013

Thank you, thank you!! We’ve had $46,000 pledged so far. That’s a whole lotta love for the programs you hear on CKUW.

Fundrive ends tomorrow at 6pm. That means we have 26 hours left to hit and move beyond our goal of $53,000. The more we have pledged, the better our broadcast service to you. Phone operators are standing by to take your pledge at 204-774-6877 or donate securely on line.

This year, pledge payments and incentive pick ups are being done at the UW Bookstore in the AnX between Balmoral and Colony, with parking in the lot off Colony. Hours are Monday-Friday 9:30am-5pm and Saturdays 10am-4pm. The UW Bookstore will be closed on Monday, February 18 for Louis Riel Day.

« Thank you Winnipeg, lets keep Fundrive humming…

Beat Our Fundrive Goal! »