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Thank you Winnipeg, lets keep Fundrive humming…

With your help we have raised nearly $34,000 for community radio in downtown Winnipeg.
CKUW contributes to our community in many ways. On-air we have more than seventy locally produced programs, we offer free broadcasting training to all and every summer we run a really fun kids radio camp.
Your donation supports all these great things. If you haven’t yet contributed we need you to pledge now by calling 204-774-6877 or online at We need a minimum of $53,000 by Friday. Every dollar past our goal will allow CKUW to do even more great things in the community.
Kazoo Know-How
Many donors have reported difficulty with their 50th anniversary commemorative CKUW kazoo (available for any donation while supplies last!). Manager Rob Schmidt demonstrates konventional kazoo knowledge in this short klip: