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Special Programming- What Should We Expect from an NDP Goverment?

CKUW 95.9fm is proud to present a special broadcast of the Solidarity Winnipeg Podcast “What Should We Expect from an NDP Government?” on January 19th at 8am.
Text from Solidarity Winnipeg
With a provincial election coming this year it’s important to understand what the Manitoba NDP governments of 1999-2016 were like, why they did so little for working-class people, and what those of us who want radical change should learn from this. With guest Bronwyn Dobchuk-Land.
Solidarity Winnipeg will be hosting a public discussion on Wednesday, January 25th at 7:00pm CST: “We know that the PCs and Liberals are parties of business, but what should we expect from an NDP government?”
Please take a listen to our recent episode on this topic (Episode 22) before attending. Email us at [email protected] to register the event and receive the Zoom link!