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Wednesday Fundrive update

Dear listener!
Get this: We’ve got just under 48 hours to go in this year’s edition of Fundrive, the 21st of its kind. The phones are ringing like mad right now, and we’ve just surpassed the $40,000 mark! That puts us well ahead of last year’s pace. Remember, we’re aiming for a total of $60,000, so we’re two thirds of the way there. We need your help to reach the goal, call us at 204-774-6877 or donate online with a credit card
A massive thank you is in order to all of you who have pledged your hard-earned bucks so far, and thank you in advance to those who are getting around to it soon. We’ve been eating like royalty over at the station courtesy of food donated by Bar Italia, Organic Planet, Diversity, India Palace, The Yellow Dog, Booster Juice, and Slices Pizza. So many people to thank, so little time.