Station News rss

  • Winnipeg Campus/Community Radio Society AGM

    Posted by Rob on November 27th, 2017

    Per By-law 3(2):

    (operating radio station CKUW)


    The Winnipeg Campus/Community Radio Society Inc. announces its 2017 annual general meeting:

    DATE: Monday, December 11, 2017
    TIME: 6:30 PM (sign-in at 6:00 PM)
    LOCATION: University of Winnipeg – The Hive – Main floor Lockhart Hall (off Ellice Ave. entrance)

    If you would like more information, contact [email protected] or [email protected] .

  • 2017 Student Radio Marathon Schedule

    Posted by CKUW PD on November 6th, 2017

    Our upcoming Student Radio Marathon is taking place on-air on Wednesday, November 8. Below is the schedule for the day’s programming. Enjoy! Check back here after the Marathon for the archived episodes.

    6am – 7:30am : CKUW’s Volunteer Coordinator Ugonna will wake you up with 90 minutes of student focused programming.

    7:30am – 8am : Rachel D will introduce you to SAS, Sociology Action Students – their group, goals, and mission.

    8am – 8:30am : Laura S shares her experience as an adult returning to school through the PACE program. Featuring guest speaker Serge Sousa.

    8:30am – 10am : Enjoy a bowl of Queerios in the morning! Alex, Jacob, and Eliza discuss their experiences growing up and living as LGBT, LGBT culture, Drag Queens, and more!

    10am – 11am : Sean T and his teammates from the Wesmen Men’s Basketball team talk basketball for an hour.

    11am – Noon : Femisphere’s Mahlet C curates an hour of empowering and awesome music.

    Noon – 1pm : Chimsolum Chigbo DJs for your lunch hour.

    1pm – 1:30pm : Brenden and Laura from the UWSA give you the low-down on campus happenings.

    1:30pm – 3pm : Stories from TYP (Transition Year Program) – tune in to hear original narratives written by the students at the University of Winnipeg!

    3pm – 4pm : Kristjanna spins some original selections for listening ears!

    4pm – 5pm : Ebube E presents some of his original music, and other favourite tunes.

    5pm – 6pm : The Uniter, the U of W’s student newspaper, will introduce you to some of their topics, contributors, and editors.

    6pm – 6:30pm : Eric D programs 30 minutes of music based off of movie soundtracks.

    6:30pm – 7:30pm : UW’s LGBTCentre gives you a preview of HomoHop!

    7:30pm – 8:30pm : Emma N returns to our airwaves with a selection of great music.

    8:30pm – 9pm : Jack B presents 30 minutes of music.

    9pm – 10pm : Kyle L takes over the late eve with slick tunes.

    10pm – 10:30pm : Ryan W brings you a special student-focused edition of Behind the Curtain,.

    10:30pm – 11:30pm : Immanuel I talks student-budgeting and planning for success.

  • 2017 Student Radio Marathon

    Posted by CKUW PD on October 23rd, 2017

    CKUW is excited to once again host the annual Student Radio Marathon on Wednesday November 8! The Marathon is a full day of diverse student-led programming on our airwaves. Throughout the day, you’ll hear student groups talk about their work and initiatives, new DJs spinning tunes, and even more student-focused voices and perspectives across our airwaves.

    Be sure to tune in on November 8 to check it out! Check back for a programming schedule.

  • Stylus Magazine Online

    Posted by Rob on October 19th, 2017

    We’ve re-launched the Stylus website –

    Bookmark us for original content and articles from the latest issue of Stylus. Since 1989 Stylus has served as CKUW’s print program guide and covers music outside the mainstream. Stylus is published six times a year and distributed across Winnipeg.

  • Dusk for send+receive v. 19

    Posted by CKUW PD on October 6th, 2017

    As part of send+receive v. 19, CKUW 95.9 FM is excited to air Dusk, an original 7-minute composition from artist Annea Lockwood. The piece will air every day of the festival, October 12 to 15, at 7 PM.

    Dusk incorporates the low frequency sounds generated by seafloor ‘black smoker’ hydrothermal vents, transposed bat calls, and renowned American percussionist William Winant on tam tam.

    Read more about this year’s send + receive programming here.

    Tune in!