Station News rss

  • Culture Days 2017

    Posted by Rob on October 2nd, 2017

    This past Friday, September 29th as part of the national Culture Days celebration CKUW preempted regular programming and invited listeners to host half hour DJ sets between 5-9pm. With a little technical assistance from the staff, these DIY DJs shared some of their favourite selections with listeners.

    Coyote & Chipmunk
    The Sean Show
    Nana & Marvel
    The Time Travellers

    Thanks for having so much fun!

  • Sign up to be a DIY DJ!

    Posted by CKUW PD on September 5th, 2017

    The sign up for our Culture Days event ‘DIY DJ’ is now active! Don’t wait – sign up for your slot today!
    To register click —> I want to be a DIY DJ

    DIY DJ kicks off our ‘Pass The Mic’ celebration, a full week of participatory radio. For ‘Pass The Mic’ CKUW hosts invite community members on-air to share their music ideas in a casual, conversational manner.

    Pass The Mic runs from September 29th – October 6th, join in as we pass the mic… to you!

  • Final Airing of The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye airs this Sunday!

    Posted by CKUW PD on August 30th, 2017

    The final airing of The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye airs this Sunday from 11 – 11:40 AM!

    As part of Plug In ICA’s STAGES: Drawing the Curtain, a series of temporary public sculptures & performances, The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye is an original audio drama from Toril Johannessen. The Invention is a multi-channel piece which takes a sci-fi look at the future of human vision. The story is told through a single protagonist who depicts visions as a historical construct further developed through technology, and posits a future where the way we see becomes closer to the original definition of vision as describing the formation of mental images. Learn more here.

    The work can be experienced live daily from 12-6 (plays on the hour every hour) at the Hudson’s Bay Building, 4th floor. 450 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB.

    Photo: Toril Johannessen, The Invention and Conclusion of the Eye, installation view

  • Radio Camp on the air, Fridays in August!

    Posted by Rob on August 17th, 2017

    Radio Camp is back in session. Each week a new group of youth will be creating one of a kind shows full of music, skits and interviews.

    Tune in Fridays at 1pm to hear the finale programs. For more information about Radio Camp check out the website

  • Listen On Mobile

    Posted by Rob on May 26th, 2017

    Tuning into CKUW online is easier than ever. We’ve just been added to the popular Radioplayer app and we’re also on TuneIn. Prefer to skip the app? Then load up our Listen webpage in an HTML5 compatible browser an use the embedded player. Don’t forget our amazing archives found at with six+ weeks of every local show you’ll never run out of great radio.

    Radioplayer –
    Tune In –

    You might also want to grab the Quiver app and follow CKUW. We’ll be using it for cool geo-targeted contests and giveaways starting this summer.