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A COVID-19 update from CKUW

As Manitobans continue to take precautions and endeavour to slow the spread of COVID-19, CKUW is also doing its part. Per university and provincial recommendations, our station is now closed to volunteers until further notice. Luckily, our family of programmers are working to produce new material from home. In fact, you can expect most of our locally-produced shows to give you original episodes every week!
CKUW staff are remaining vigilant while on the premises, limiting our presence, keeping our distance, and disinfecting surfaces and equipment. We’re also ensuring that we provide live updates a few times a day – be it for weather, COVID-19 updates, or just to give you a live voice.
We are eternally grateful to you, listener, for your continued support throughout this difficult time, and we welcome your suggestions for how best to provide the community with relevant and well-informed content. As a reminder, you can consult the following websites for information and resources.