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Bill C-18 and CKUW

We have decided to pause our activity on Facebook and Instagram since Meta will soon be blocking news content in Canada.
Meta is taking this action due to Bill C-18 recently passed by the parliament of Canada. C-18 will force Meta and Google to pay for links to news content on the Internet and this could lead to these companies blocking news in Canada which will include CKUW’s social profiles on their services (Facebook, Instagram).
If you disagree with Meta’s decision to block news sources in our country, it’s crucial to take action and let your concerns be heard. You can make a difference by reaching out to your Member of Parliament (MP) and Meta directly. Be respectful but assertive in voicing your opposition to the news block and highlight the significance of access to diverse and trustworthy news content. Contact us at CKUW with any questions or for suggestions on how to best speak to your MP or Meta about this issue. 204-786-9782 / [email protected]