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Fundrive 2022 is ON-Air!

Our broadcast is powered by community members like you! Direct contributions at Fundrive help pay for radio essentials like equipment updates and ongoing costs. We have weathered the last two years thanks to your generosity and we want to continue growing to support our communities recovery from the pandemic.
For the next two weeks, our volunteers will be working hard to get your pledges. We need a total of $60,000 from 1000 donors to meet our 2022 budget, please help us out by making a donation online at From 8am – 8pm staff will also be answering the phones (204-774-6877) if you have questions or need assistance with your donation.
A donation of as little as $70 moves us closer to our goal, and as thanks from us, you can receive a 2022 Fundrive T-shirt. Make your contribution now, every dollar counts –
Thank you!!