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Fundrive Marathon Feb 9 -23

Thank you for choosing CKUW radio! We are a non-profit, community and campus radio station founded in 1963 at the University of Winnipeg. We broadcast to the city of Winnipeg on FM and worldwide through the Internet, every week our local hosts volunteer to create more than 100 hours of original programming.
This kind of radio is only possible due to the support of the students at UW and listeners like you. Right now, during our annual Fundrive we are working to raise $60,000 in donations to help fund what we do. You can make a contribution today online at or by calling 204-774-6877. Your contribution of $35 is less than 10 cents a day to keep our station on the air.
Gifts of $35 or more are eligible for unique thank you incentives from CKUW, show your pride in the station by wearing one of our t-shirts ($75) the unique 2024 design is by Tamiko Chase Kavanagh.