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Keep it coming Winnipeg, we’re halfway there!

Posted by Rob on February 13th, 2019

Donating to CKUW is easy and feels good! That feeling comes from knowing that your donation supports a diverse community of volunteers who bring their passion for music and information to you 51 weeks of the year.

Fundrive is the one week we have to interrupt regular programing to ensure our financial stability and independence. We have passed the halfway mark towards our goal of $60,000 but we need to get more calls if we’re going to hit our mark! Phone now and donate at 204-774-6877.

Your donations are a critical part of our annual budget covering nearly a quarter of our expenses. Since 1999 CKUW has bee creating uncompromising, community focused radio and we’ve always had wonderful support from Winnipeggers. Donations can also be made online at Dont delay Fundrive ends Friday February 15th at 6pm.

« CKUW Needs Your Support

Final hours of Fundrive 2019 »