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Programming Updates

Tune in to hear what’s new on CKUW!
- Medicine Wheel of Music has been extended by 30 minutes. Join hosts Tony and Jesse regularly on Sundays from 10 – 11:30 AM.
- Day for Night (formerly Near and Far) finds a new home on our schedule, now Wednesdays from 10:30 PM – Midnight. Similarly, the Exile Files now broadcasts on Thursdays from 10 – 11 AM
- This past Tuesday, In the Pocket aired its final episode after 10 years on the air! Thanks Kevin for all your hard work.
- For just over the last month, Flailing in a Time Warp has taken over the Wednesday evening 9–10 PM slot. Join Holly and Holly for a living room dance party!
- We thank our radio friends from Haines Junction, Yukon for all their good work on JAM Live! The show can still be heard online. Replacing JAM Live will be CKUSpeaks, a two-hour compilation of three original CKUW programs: MonkeySparrow, Eat Your Arts and Vegetables, and Wooden Spoons. Tune in Sunday mornings from 6-8 AM to hear those programs, repurposed for your Sunday listening enjoyment.
- Inner City Voices and Rogue Primate (Mondays from 5-5:30 PM and 5:30-6 PM, respectively) will soon begin an hourly biweekly alternation.
- Welcome Terry to People of Interest! Terry is a regular volunteer in CKUW’s music department, and is trying out on-air hosting on the Wednesday edition of People of Interest.