Station News rss

  • Schedule Changes and New Shows

    Posted by CKUW PD on March 6th, 2024

    CKUW’s program schedule keeps on evolving. Here are some schedule changes and new shows to keep track of.

    Winnipeg Arena is on Fire (Tuesdays 3 -5pm) is now being replaced by Radio Free Winnipeg hosted by DJ Dill Gherkin. If you want to hear more of Martin R. Howell’s comic book radio theatre magic tune in Sundays 1am to 6am for Late Night Comic Book Radio Theatre.

    The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit slips back into the schedule Tuesdays 1 to 3pm.

    Dead Medium, Thursdays 12 to 1pm, is on an indefinite hiatus but we decided to take a gander on some friends from Newfoundland, Yes B’y!

    Join co-hosts Pauline and Derek for lots of fun and banter as they showcase modern Newfoundland music across all genres! Their debut episode features the funk-adelic Chris Kirby! Check out Yes B’y! on Thursdays at 12noon.

  • Archive & Podcasts Update

    Posted by Rob on February 29th, 2024

    Our archives and podcasts have been unavailable since February 8th when we had to take the system offline for security updates and preservation. Our technician is working on the problem and we hope to have the service restored soon. Thanks for your patience, archives are an important service for us and it’s a high priority for upgrade and improved reliaility.

  • Our Live Drive Has Ended

    Posted by Rob on February 27th, 2024

    Thanks once again to everyone who has donated to CKUW for Fundrive 2024 our total so far is just past $51,000 for our independent airwaves! Now that the live drive has ended donations must be made online, pledges paid before March 4th are still eligible for premiums like the CKUW T-shirt or toque.

    Pledge online securely at anytime – or you can EMT / etransfer to [email protected] please enter any information into the notes.

    Without your support CKUW could not exist, from all the volunteers and staff of CKUWTHANK YOU!!!

  • Can’t spell CKUW without ‘YOU’!

    Posted by Rob on February 18th, 2024

    Donations during Fundrive go towards essentials at CKUW like paying for staff and covering rent for our transmitter location. Donations are also used for projects like our youth Radio Camp and our online streaming and archive system.

    Without support from listeners like you we will be forced to cut back and we may not be able to maintain all our services. Please don’t let that happen, take action and donate today. Your gift of $170 helps us get closer to the goal and you can take the CKUW hoodie premium as a thank you. These hoodies have a full front zipper, are made in Canada, comfy and warm ! Pledge today at or call us at 204-774-6877 phone lines are open 8am-8pm and during live programming.

    On Sunday morning we have passed $26,741 in donations but we need to hear from more listeners to get closer to our goal. Don’t wait, please call or make an online donation today.

  • Archive Outage

    Posted by Rob on February 16th, 2024

    Our archives are temporarily offline. We’ve experienced a serious technical fault with our archive and podcast system. Archives should be restored in the next few days, we apologize for the inconvenience