Station News rss

  • New Season of Truth Before Reconciliation starts Oct 16th at 130pm

    Posted by Scott on October 13th, 2023

    A new season of Truth Before Reconciliation hosted by Tammy Wolfe will start on Oct 16th 130pm to 2pm. This season will feature 30 half hour episodes running to April 29th. Tammy Wolfe interviews a variety of indigenous artists, actors, athletes, authors, journalists, and activists. The season finishes off with live recordings from the Camp Morgan protest over the summer of 2023.

    Guests include but not limited to Gramma Shingoose, Sten Joddi, Katherna Vermette, Melody McIver.

    This season of Truth Before Reconciliation was made possible by a grant from the Community Radio Fund of Canada

  • Anishinaabe Bird Names Special Oct 17th

    Posted by Scott on October 11th, 2023

    This past spring, an Anishinaabe Bird Names pamphlet was published by Creator’s Garden in conjunction with Birds Canada. It’s a resource that aims to introduce, or reintroduce readers to the names given to birds by the Anishinaabe people well before European settlement of Turtle Island. Creator’s Garden is the brainchild of Joseph Pitawanakwat, and also includes the work of his colleagues Andres Jimenez, and Junaid Khan. All three of them joined CKUW host Jonny B to talk about the pamphlet, about the lengths they have to go to uncover and recover these bird names, and about the future for this very important work.

    Tune in on Oct 17th at 8am to hear this special interview.

  • DIY DJ 2023 Revue

    Posted by Rob on September 28th, 2023

    On Sunday September 24th we joined the cross Canada celebration of Culture Days. We halted our regular schedule to present new programming from the following community volunteers. Listen or download the DIY – DJ shows at the links below.

    Contact CKUW if you think you could be a DIY DJ, training is free and easy! There are many open spots for community members like you.

  • Paticipate in Culture Days - Make Radio!

    Posted by Rob on August 30th, 2023

    Time again to Do-It-Yourself on CKUW! During DIY-DJ we turn the airwaves over to our listeners for a chance to create a unique radio show. We’ll give you 30 minutes and operate the tech, you bring the ideas & music. It’s easy and fun!

    This year DIY DJ is on Sunday September 24th from 3pm-6pm.

    Sign up on your own or with a friend, and create a radio show with the technical assistance of our trained volunteers. Bring in your favourite music, recordings that are meaningful to you, and take over the airwaves!

    Sign up HERE!

  • Bill C-18 and CKUW

    Posted by Rob on August 4th, 2023

    We have decided to pause our activity on Facebook and Instagram since Meta will soon be blocking news content in Canada.

    Meta is taking this action due to Bill C-18 recently passed by the parliament of Canada. C-18 will force Meta and Google to pay for links to news content on the Internet and this could lead to these companies blocking news in Canada which will include CKUW’s social profiles on their services (Facebook, Instagram).

    If you disagree with Meta’s decision to block news sources in our country, it’s crucial to take action and let your concerns be heard. You can make a difference by reaching out to your Member of Parliament (MP) and Meta directly. Be respectful but assertive in voicing your opposition to the news block and highlight the significance of access to diverse and trustworthy news content. Contact us at CKUW with any questions or for suggestions on how to best speak to your MP or Meta about this issue. 204-786-9782 / [email protected]