Posted by Rob on February 27th, 2023
On Tuesday February 21st CKUW lost our longest serving volunteer and a tireless evangelist for community radio, Rockin’ Ronnie Lindsay .
Rockin’ Ronnie found CKUW in 1985 in the basement of Manitoba Hall at UW and gravitated to the comfy couch in the office. It was a place to hang out, smoke, talk music and sometimes make radio for the captive audience in Lockhart Hall. Despite the small congregation of listeners Ronnie persisted in making a weekly blues show that became the longest running radio show on CKUW and one of the longest running shows in all of Canada.
“Bluesday” featured an original program of three hours of blues every week. Ronnie was proud to be live in the studio no matter what and delighted in presenting new artists and classics from across the blues spectrum.
We’re deeply saddened by this loss, we know how much his program meant to you as listeners and we know how much the station meant to Ronnie himself. Ronnie loved and lived the blues and he loved sharing that with you on the air. As a tribute, we’re going to air excerpts of some older Bluesday shows at 7pm every Tuesday in March. On March 28th we’ll dedicate the full three hours 7-10 pm to sharing remembrances of Ronnie and great blues music that he loved.