Station News rss

  • Fundrive 2024 Nears

    Posted by Rob on January 31st, 2024

    Part of our success story of the last 25 years is our reliance on listener support. Direct listener support means we don’t have to play advertising or sell listener data to corporations, we can focus on making engaging radio that enriches our community.

    This years Fundrive artist is Tamiko Chase Kavanagh. They are a designer and artist from Treaty 1 Territory, Winnipeg, currently working on Treaty 13 Territory, Tkaronto. Tamiko designs both digitally and physically, working with everything from logos to illustration and installation. Playful investigation and a considerate approach to research are key components to their practice, with all things bright and bold being their bread and butter. We are grateful for the donation of this design to promote CKUW community radio, thank you Tamiko!

    Fundrive 2024 begins at 5pm on February 9th, donors may choose to receive a T-shirt as a thankyou for gifts of $75 or more. Donations are a significant part of our annual budget, our goal this year is $60,000. Plan your gift today, larger donations can be split up into regular payments. Call 204-774-6877 during the drive to find out how your gift can help us!

  • Christmas Bird Count Special Jan 23rd 2024 8am to 830am

    Posted by Scott on January 22nd, 2024

    On December 17th in Winnipeg, birders from all over Winnipeg gathered to participate in the 124th running of the Christmas Bird Count. The idea behind the event is for volunteers to spread out across the city in designated zones and count as many species and their individual numbers to try to get a grasp on how many birds are out there on a given day, and WHERE they are. This citizen scientist event is timed to coincide with events going on all over the continent to get a picture of the state of birds at that very moment, and provides a valuable tool for researchers documenting bird conservation issues.

    And about a week after the event, once all the results had been tabulated, Jonny B from CKUW 95.9FM had the chance to sit down with Rudolf Koes, the compiler of the event. They chatted about the long history of the Christmas Bird Count in Winnipeg, as well as going over some of the highlights of this year’s event.

    Tune in January 23rd 2024 8am to 830am to hear another bird special from Jonny B.

  • APTN Documentary on CKUW Fridays 11am to noon

    Posted by Scott on December 22nd, 2023

    CKUW will be playing the five part APTN documentary Our Relatives on Dec 22nd, Dec 29th, Jan 5th 11am to noon.

    For the past three months, APTN News reporter Kathleen Martens has been interviewing people living in bus shelters, alleyways, parks and Winnipeg’s shelter system. People experiencing homelessness are on the streets for a number of reasons, including poverty, addiction and mental health issues.

    The five-part series called Our Relatives takes a deep dive into the over-representation of Indigenous Peoples who travel from their nations to the “big city” for shelter and a stable life. What they find is much different.

    Broadcast Schedule
    Dec 22nd episodes 1&2
    Dec 29th episodes 3&4
    Jan 5th Episode 5

  • Death Cassette EP release party

    Posted by Scott on December 15th, 2023

    CKUW 95.9fm was a proud sponsor of the Death Cassette EP release party at the Good Will Social Club on November 17th 2023.

    Here are a few photos Alan of Night Danger Radio (Tuesday Midnight to 3am) took at the show.

    You buy Death Cassette’s EP Get Rid of It off their bandcamp (linked below)

    Order of pictures
    Death Cassette
    Screaming at Traffic

  • JustTV Winter Showcase

    Posted by Scott on November 28th, 2023

    Just TV is having a Winter Showcase on Dec 7th at the Park Theatre 698 Osborne St. Doors at 6pm show at 630pm. Admission is Free

    The Just TV Winter Showcase will feature music and videos from youth in the Just TV program run out of the Broadway Neighbourhood Centre 185 Young Street.

    Just TV is one of the most accredited and successful programs that is run at The Broadway Neighbourhood Centre. The program has now claimed over a decade of progress, constantly providing youth with multitudes of opportunities from employment and resourcing to video and music production skills. Just TV provides youth with the opportunities to express themselves through multimedia in a safe, fun and creative environment. Participants engage in all facets of the audio and video industry and are tasked to create projects based on their interests, experiences and lives.

    *Tune in Thursday November 30th at 4pm to hear a radio special on the Just TV Winter Showcase featuring interviews with some of the musicians and film makers of Just TV. *

    CKUW 95.9fm is proud to sponsor this event.