Programs & Archives – Nostalgia

  • Amateur Hour

    Electronic/Exploratory, Pop/Rock, Roots, Nostalgia, Spoken Word, Cultural Exchange, Variety, Poetry, Storytelling, Unexplored Realms

    Where bad is good and worse is better. Amateur Hour features the best of the worst. Artists and bands that never got their fair share of airtime for how seemingly weird, aweful or cheesy they are will finally get their due. Tune in every week to outsider artists, celeb singers, and novelty bands square off in a battle for amateur supremacy.

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  • Destination Moon

    Roots, Nostalgia

    A Supersonic sock-hop a go-go shock. I play the wild cuts from stale nostalgia records in thrift store bargain bins and yard sales. Plus, theme episodes.

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  • Dollar Country

    Roots, Bluegrass, Blues, Country and Western, Nostalgia

    Dollar Country is a radio show hosted by WTFC radio. It primarily features country 45’s that I find in dollar bins around the country. Featuring everything from old hits to b-sides, common records to rarities, and everything between the most popular artists and private press junk. I try to play things that I find good, interesting, or at least amusing, and I hope you like the show too.

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  • New Found Records Radio hour

    Roots, Nostalgia

    If you’re a chronic nostalgic who loves the music of Newfoundland & Labrador, tune in to The NewFound Records Radio Hour. The show is recorded at the CHMR (MUN RADIO) studios at Memorial University in St. John’s, Newfoundland.

    Join producer and host Wayne Tucker as he shines a light on rare gems retrieved from the vinyl deeps and supplements the music of the 50s, 60s, 70s & 80s with a generous sprinkling of history and trivia. Relive all kinds of local music featuring well-known pioneers like Sagebrush Sam, John White, Wilf Doyle, Dick Nolan, Joan Morrissey, the Du-cats, and more. And enjoy the resurrection of music by the likes of Burt Cuff, TNT, Borealis, Dave Nicol, the CJON Glee Club, Red Island, Anne Marie Murray, Bonnie Lou Nolan, the Keatniks and many, many more. So whether you’re a sentimental old-timer who’s stuck in a vinyl groove or a newbie eager to hear hard-to-find roots music of Newfoundland & Labrador, tune in to The NewFound Records Radio Hour.

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  • Old Parlour Radio

    Roots, Nostalgia

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  • You Can’t Hide From God

    Roots, Nostalgia

    Gospel with a twist.

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