Programs & Archives – Pop/Rock

  • !earshot 20

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic

    Counting down the Top 20 albums from the national Top 50 chart found on for the week ending May 5, 2020; this week compiled by 22 campus/community radio stations across Canada. Hosted by Erin Bond.

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  • !earshot Daily

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic

    An eclectic mix of new Canadian music, hosted every day by a different host from throughout the National Campus/Community Radio Association’s wide reach.

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  • Active Voice

    Classical, New Age, Electronic/Exploratory, New Classical, Pop/Rock, Eclectic

    Tune in Sunday afternoons to experience the power and creativity of the human voice in music. Active Voice showcases vocal music of all kinds, times and cultures: choral music, a cappella groups, and diverse ensembles and singer-songwriters. Each show features authentic voices from the Canadian prairies. Active Voice is eclectic, convivial, and often quirky!

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  • Adult Kindergarten

    Loud, Punk, Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Indie

    A noisy, psychedelic, dreamy, and spacey mind journey that explores D.I.Y. music from genres as diverse as electronica to noise rock.

    It is the aural equivalent of finger painting, playing in the sandbox, and gathering for story time.

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  • Amateur Hour

    Electronic/Exploratory, Pop/Rock, Roots, Nostalgia, Spoken Word, Cultural Exchange, Variety, Poetry, Storytelling, Unexplored Realms

    Where bad is good and worse is better. Amateur Hour features the best of the worst. Artists and bands that never got their fair share of airtime for how seemingly weird, aweful or cheesy they are will finally get their due. Tune in every week to outsider artists, celeb singers, and novelty bands square off in a battle for amateur supremacy.

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  • Backbeat

    Hip Hop/Groove, Soul, Jazz, Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Roots, Bluegrass, Blues, World

    Backbeat is a one-hour radio show featuring vintage popular music. It’s not about nostalgia. It’s a fun and lively exploration of our shared music history with an emphasis on artists and records that have been underrated, forgotten or just ignored over the years.

    We also play new music from artists who understand and honour that history

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  • Binky Pinder’s Funhouse

    Pop/Rock, Indie

    Welcome to Binky Pinder’s Funhouse (rhymes with Pinky Tinder’s Bun-mouse)! I know what you are thinking…”It sounds like a really terrifying clown lives in there! This show sounds scary!” But what you will actually find inside is a journey into the mind of intrepid musical explorer, DJ Binky Pinder (aka Bucky Driedger), as he mines the past and braves the future to unearth the best vibes he can find. So come on over, have a seat in the living room and open your ears. Binky’s got the turntables and aux cables fired up and he’s very excited to show you his faves!

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  • CKUW Album Feature

    Electronic/Exploratory, Ambient/Down-Tempo, Electronica, Hip Hop/Groove, Soul, Jazz, Loud, Metal, Punk, Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Roots

    Local deep cuts. Every Friday from 2 to 3pm hear whole albums from (mostly) Winnipeg artists and bands.

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  • Deep Threes

    Electronic/Exploratory, Pop/Rock, Eclectic

    Deep Threes is the weekly radio show that brings you eclectic instrumental soundscapes that fuse jazz, electronica, soundtracks, modern classical, experimental music, and more into extended mixes. “Deep” is a nod to the deep tracks of heard on freeform radio. “Threes” refers to the MP3s that fill up our hard drives and computing clouds.

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  • Dept. 13


    Department 13 airs every Monday morning from 10am-Noon CST in Winnipeg Canada on 95.9 FM. It is a music and weather show with occasional Viking content.

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  • Eclectic Residents

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Indie

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  • Emma’s Echo Chamber

    Electronic/Exploratory, Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Roots, Bluegrass, World

    Kick off your Tuesdays with Emma’s Echo Chamber, an eclectic radio show featuring everything from bluegrass and indie to vaporwave and Brazilian beats. The show spotlights queer bands, meme-worthy moments, and ocassionally interviews with queer musicians. Start your day with music, laughter, and awkward moments!

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  • Fasten Your Seat Belt


    Fasten Your Seat Belt features guitar driven rock music from the ‘sixties to the present including rock, blues, punk and folk artists who have been critically acclaimed but are generally not heard on commercial radio. Patrick Harrison will be your host and he will draw from a catalogue that spans music from the ‘sixties to the present. A journey of over sixty years!

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  • flex yr head

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Indie

    the technopoly is here. corporate algorithms tuned to turn yr thoughts to mush. an endless stream of ai-generated playlists, consisting of ai-generated music, without historical origin or reason, pacify for a moment on their way to the landfill. yr consciousness will be digitized tomorrow. a marketing miracle. a utopian vision realized. or so the oligrachs would have you believe. today, yr body is still cradled by the earth. we still hold the threads that stretch into our collective past. yr mind is still flesh. flex yr head: plodding the annals of independent rock music every saturday from 1:00pm – 2:00pm.

    reach out to the show at flexyrhead at gmail dot com. let’s build something.

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  • Frañol

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic

    Retrouvez à chaque semaine vos deux heures entières consacrées à la musique latine. Un savoureux mélange de chansons en français et en espagnol!

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  • Girlie So Groovie

    Pop/Rock, Indie

    Girlie So Groovie dubs itself as “The only show dedicated to the women who rock and to the people who love them!” Broadcasting on CJAM 99.1 FM since 2001 and now syndicating on community/campus radio stations across Canada and the US, we are a weekly award-winning music program that gives a stage to the pioneering and contemporary female and non-binary musicians in rock, punk, rap, hip hop, R&B, blues, jazz, electronic, country, alternative, indie-rock and so much more.

    Host: Trevor Klundert

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  • How To Survive A Tornado


    Music and conversation with post punk and related leanings. With occasional ghosts from the Dim Coast

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  • Indigenous in Music

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic

    Indigenous in Music a not-for-profit section 501c(3) in the state of Florida. Join Larry every week as he brings you live interviews and a mix of new music from our Indigenous musicians from around the Western Hemisphere, a variety of rock, pop, country, flute, salsa, classical, house and electronica. Indigenous in Music is Distributed on Native Voice One, the Native America Indian Radio Network, PRX the Public Radio Exchange and Pacifica Audio Port. A big Pini-Gigi (Thank you) to “SAY Magazine” a international Indigenous magazine for giving Indigenous in Music a mention and for featuring all of our musical guest’s.

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  • Julian Taylor’s Jukebox

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Indie, Roots

    Juno Award nominee and Canadian Folk Music Award winner Julian Taylor plays you some of his favourite tracks from artists all over the world. He’s spinning tunes he loves to listen to, and he wants to share them with you in this cozy and intimate radio experience.

    “The Jukebox is a really eclectic show. I’m playing tunes you’d hear hanging out in my living room but the focus is on artists like me – Indie/BIPOC. I do interviews with artists when I can and I record the show from home or on the road. ” – Julian

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  • Late Night Comic Book Radio Theatre

    Pop/Rock, Eclectic, Spoken Word, Performing Arts, Arts, Comedy, Comics, Storytelling

    Have Martin R Howell read you comic books combined with cool tunes from the past and present

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