Review: Scar Symmetry – Dark Matter Dimensions

scar_symmetryThis band mixes an interesting blend of heavy thrash with upbeat power metal. The only difference between them and most power-metal influenced bands is their lack of cheesy-ness. OK, there are a few comic high wails and some of the lyrics might make one question their seriousness. The most impressive attribute of this album may be the vocals because they quickly switch instantaneously from beautiful three-part harmony to death growls and vicious shrieks. The complexity of the guitars is used to make fast-paced melody tht is complemented by the occasional hardcore breakdown, but even during those there is usually soloing of some kind. This band may be what a non-metal listener thinks of when someone uses the term “Heavy Metal.” It ticks all the boxes of the old and new requirements of metal. (Nuclear Blast, Paul Nordin