Secret Girls – In Hiding

Cole Peters, co-founder of Prairie Fire Tapes, has created a real minimal affair with this cassette. Really minimal—the intro to “Ivory, Ether and Blood” is reminiscent of György Ligeti’s eerily terse two-note piece in Eyes Wide Shut, and the rest of this song is a primordial cesspool of ambiguous morality. Such a minimal affair—she touches his wrist when he reaches for his drink, and they both come and die a little inside, never telling anyone—that minimal. Peters, who’s normally doing his HNW (harsh noise wall) thing as Gomeisa, takes his guitar drone project Secret Girls away from the apocalyptic, and more toward the mystical—extraterrestrial overlords keep watch, waiting for the signals to impart infinite knowledge. There’s much tension and peace beneath the surface of In Hiding, and it is up to your conflicting levels of psyche to unearth it all. (Prairie Fire Tapes, Taylor Burgess