Album Review :: Tired Cossack :: I Know, I Guess 

By Mykhailo Vil’yamson

It was once Guildenstern who said to Hamlet: “Dreams, indeed, are ambition, for the very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream” (Act 2, Scene 2). This, of course, is multilayered in its interpretation, as is Tired Cossack’s sophomore release, I Know, I Guess. From the initial notes strikingly played on what sounds like a tsymbaly in the opening track, one is drawn into an encounter with the shadows that frontperson Stephen Levko is imaginably bumping into while both asleep and alert. While hammering down the meaning of the often obscure lyrics throughout the twelve songs is akin to trying to decipher the details of a dream upon waking, it might have something to do with generalized fatigue, partially veiled exasperation, routine and relationships, water and watching baseball. Regardless, this follow-up to their 2021 debut is exceedingly memorable – with equal amounts of continuity and progression of sound.

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Concert Review :: WINTERRUPTION :: January 27 at The Good Will Social Club

Photo of Mulligrub bassist
Photo by Mike Thiessen

by: Myles Tiessen

Two shows took place at The Good Will Social Club on January 27th for WINTERRUPTION. Five bands entertained a crowd of hyperactive fans from 7 PM until well past midnight, making for a jam-packed evening of rock n’ roll music. This is coverage of the high-octane late show, featuring Mulligrub, Jamboree, and Tired Cossack. 

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