Smoky Tiger – Greathitz2011

Smoky Tiger handed this disc to me, noting that, Burton bless him, he’s released seven fucking albums this year. If you missed our interview with him, he’s one unique spirit, engaged in celebrating local folklore and unkempt positivity, and this disc captures his self-selected best moments from the first three quarters of the year. Greathitz2011 ranges from the Egyptian groove of “Titania” to the disco funk of “SmokestackLightning” to the lazy-slow folk of “Slopoke” to the weirdo bossa nova of every other track. The Tiger tackles much—chasing a faerie for her love, witnessing someone walk on water, and someone so happy, she hands out rainbows. Every track is so radically different that it prompted a mental “WTF” from me with each new track, followed by a prompt “FTW” and me cranking it up, bobbing my head, shimmying or groaning along, or whatever action appropriate. So, to hell with what you know and what you think is right, the Smoky Tiger’s music is waiting, pretty much a whole universe unto itself. And how better to make the interstellar leap and get acquainted than this disc? (Independent, Taylor Burgess

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